The Prince of Peace came to earth again this Christmas. This time He came in the form of a live Christmas Card. He has sent eighteen inches of snow and covered my darkened world in beauty, purity, and peace. My eyes behold the work of the Master Artist. No one can come close to His brush strokes as I gaze upon the hills and trees dusted heavily in snow. No one can reveal the colors He exposes in His paintings. The white is a white like no other. He came and enveloped me in stillness. Then out of the stillness alone with Him came peace as only the Prince of Peace can give.

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. John 14:27

Once again He has revealed Himself to a lost, dying world. Do we hear His message as we gaze upon the beauty? I think not. The woods appear to be full of trees that stand dark, barren, and absent of life. It is just a season, a season of His design. He came this winter to the barren trees and covered them in a blanket of purity and restored their dignity, beauty, and peace in the dark woods. A place reflecting emptiness and very little life have been transformed into a most inviting place of His peace, stillness and beauty. This is what He came to do in our lives when we are in seasons of darkness.

“Come now and let us reason together,” says the Lord. Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool.

There is a key element. The snow covered everything that it was allowed to fall upon. If we keep areas of our lives covered from His touch, it cannot be covered by the cleansing blood of Christ. May we lay ourselves stripped and barren before Him as the trees in the woods.  As the dull, cold, dark forest became transformed by the beauty and peace of the snow, so has the coming of Emanuel, (God with us) to this earth.

He who has an ear, let him hear the message of the snow covered mountains during this blessed season.

Merry Christmas!

Teresa Roberts