Mark 6:31-32
And He said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a secluded place, and rest a while." (For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.) They went away by themselves to a secluded place.

How do we find ourselves this Sunday morning? Perhaps you like the disciples have been very busy with life serving others. Maybe many people have been coming and going in and out of your life like a revolving door, and you to haven’t had time to eat or rest.

Do you too hear Jesus saying, "Come away by yourselves to a secluded place, you who are weary and heavy laden, and find rest for your souls?" (Matthew 11:28) I personally love going to the secluded places alone, because I go intent on meeting Him there with no distractions and to quiet all other voices in my life but His. These times are treasured above all else. I leave refreshed, and refilled with His perfect love, and then I return as His ambassador.

May I encourage you to accept His bidding today? It will be a day of no regrets!
In His love.

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness


I often get into my boat slightly different from the disciples, but it gets me to the secluded places. 🙂