Genesis 3:8-9

"Then the man and his wife… hid from the Lord, …But the Lord God called to the man, "Where are you?"

Why is our natural tendency, when we have disobeyed the God who loves us, to pull away from His Presence and His Word? It should be quite the opposite. It is when we should run to His Everlasting Arms! There, we can be healed, forgiven, cleansed, set free, restored, redeemed. It can come from no other source. No other person or anything in existence is like our God. He is full of compassion and desires to set you free from your sins of disobedience. It is never to late. Go to Him today! Don’t allow the enemy to hold you captive another day. Go to the Father Who always has arms open for his prodigal sons and daughters. He will run to meet you…I promise.
In His love.

Old Man Winter refused to make his departure! Once again, after displaying His beauty, he left us with frigid temperatures.
Photos were taken coming home yesterday afternoon. The dark, barren trees were beautifully aligned with the contrast of a stunningly white snow!

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness
