Matthew 18:2-4
"And He called a child to Himself, set him before them, and said, "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Often the Lord has used my oldest granddaughter, Katelyn, to speak to me through her gentle spirit. When she was toddling along I would take her on walks in the woods, and if she became too tired, she would look up at me and say,"MeeMaw, I am just a little girl." What that meant was she had become tired and wanted me to carry her. Often times I did, and other times I would keep encouraging her she could do it until we got to our destination.
Many days I feel like Katelyn, and I say to my Heavenly Father, "Life has gotten too big for me; I am just a little girl." There are times my Father has carried me, but there are other times He holds my hand and requires I walk until I reach the destination He has chosen. Like Katelyn, I know I can trust in His love even when He chooses not to take me out of something hard, because it is for my good so I can become stronger, as I so often would push my little Katelyn in order for her to see she was capable of more than she knew.
Little children are needy of guidance and rely on those who love them to take care of them. They trust in the decisions of their parents. Jesus told us to become like little children when we follow Him. I take great comfort in those instructions knowing I will never be required to walk alone. I am thankful I never have to grow out of my dependence on Him, quite the contrary. Do you need a perfect parent today? There is only One. He is always available, will always be right, and will never leave you. Rest in His loving arms today as His little child.
In His love.

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness


Mee-Maw and her "Katelyn Joy."

(Photo taken at one of Katelyn’s dance competitions in Winston Salem, NC.)