"And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all." Ephesians 1:22-23

This verse ends a prayer Paul prayed for the body of believers at Ephesus. I too pray this prayer daily over my children and grandchildren along with the prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21. I know I am praying the will of God as I pray back His word to Him. It gives me faith, and confidence, and great peace.

As we look at the verse today in our devotional I am greatly comforted knowing that all authority has been given to Christ. Then it goes on to reveal Jesus has been given as head of the church to be over all things. The body of Christ is made up of all true followers of Christ who deny themselves in order to fulfill God’s will as Christ exemplified for us. The church is not a building, and it doesn’t only come to life on Sundays from precisely 11-12 o clock.

The head of the church is to be Christ Himself. Our role is to become His body. As we think of how our body works it cannot function until our heads tell it what to do. Imagine our hands, legs, eyes, feet, etc working independently of our brain. Imagine the freak we would become. Yet, that is what we have when the body of Christ does not allow Him to be the head and to fill all in all. This has to take place in individual lives and be lived out of individual surrender of our will to perform His. It cannot happen corporately till we allow Him to be the head over our daily lives in our homes and at work.

May we allow Him who has been given all authority to fill us with His wisdom and ability to function as His body. Perhaps the church will truly take on the character and love of Christ, and the world will recognize their need for our Savior. It is a daily choice to be lived out.
In His love.

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness


How I rejoice in knowing the One who created this incredible place I live! Photos taken on a long distance run yesterday in Hanging Rock State Park. The 20 mile run started and ended at Tory’s Den parking lot, and then heading toward Dan River. Lots of different trails with stunning beauty. The best things in life cost very little…