"But Jesus, Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray." Luke 5:16

As we read of Jesus’ life in the gospels we see the crowds constantly pressing in on Him. He was always surrounded by needy people. What impresses me most about Jesus is He never allowed the needy cries of the crowds to control Him. He stayed out of His emotions and lived in complete obedience to the Father. He only did and said what the Father told Him. (John 5:30-47, John 8:28) What made this possible even when His dear friends Mary and Martha sent a desperate message to Him to come, their brother, Lazarus was dying? Yet, He waited for the Father’s timing which was after the death of Lazarus, and he had been in his tomb for four days. But as we know Jesus prayed to the Father, and Lazarus was resurrected from the dead revealing nothing is impossible for God!

We find the answer in Luke 5:16. Jesus teaches us to go to a secluded place alone with God to pray often. It is identified in scripture as the "secret place." (Psalm 91:1-2, 27:5) In order for us to not live in our emotions more than the Holy Spirit we must often run to the "secret place" as Jesus did. I believe these times was Jesus returning home in the Presence of God where He belonged. During these times He was refreshed and strengthened, and bathed in the love of His Father, and He heard the Words of life coming from Him. I believe He received clear instruction on how to continue till He reached the completion of HIs purpose for being on this earth. And we know He did so when He declared, " It is finished" from the cross before the resurrection. (John 19:28-30)

Perhaps you, like me, are becoming more aware that you do not belong here in this world. Perhaps the awareness that this world is not your home has grown with intensity in the last several months. We must run to the "secret Place’ often as Jesus did. When I do so, I know I am where I belong; for that brief time I am home and I pray. I talk to my Father and He talks to me. I am bathed in His love. He equips me to be able to go back in among the needy crowds and to continue ministering and discipling as Jesus did, and He will help you too.

A disciple of Christ must discipline themselves to spend more time in the "secret place" than among the crowds. It is the only way to stay in the will of God, and not oblige the demands of people. How easy it is to slip from being an obedient disciple of Christ, and begin to please the crowds, or be controlled by the legitimate needs of others. As followers of Christ we must remember He said in His Word,
"To obey is better than sacrifice." ( 1 Samuel 15:22)
Our ways are never an improvement over His! We must continually look to Jesus’ example and truly follow Him.
In His love.

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness



What a beautiful fall the Father has brought to my secluded dwelling where I find the "secret place" often.