Ezekiel 37:3
"He asked me, ‘Son of Man, can these bones live?’ I said, ‘O Sovereign Lord, you alone know.’ "

God has used Ezekiel 37 many times over the last several years to remind me all things are possible with Him. Israel had lost hope. However God brought back to life the dry, dead, bones and caused them to stand before Him as an exceedingly great army. Believe in the greatness of God. He is the resurrection and the life. Believe in Him and His power. No matter how hopeless things are in the natural, God is bigger than the facts.
In His love.

While running on the New River Trail yesterday, everywhere I looked I saw the miracle of "new life." As we celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior hope in what has already been done. He holds the keys to heaven and hell!

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness
