John 21:15
"So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?" He said, to Him, "Yes, Lord, You know that I love You." He said,"Feed My lambs."
Like Peter, I want to love my Lord and Savior with all my being. During this personal conversation with Peter, Jesus instructs Peter on how his love for Him is to play out in everyday life. He is commanded three times to feed Jesus’ lambs. When we love Jesus as Peter, we cannot help but feed the lambs. It is what pours forth from our hearts because love for Him consumes our being. There is nothing more worthy than feeding one another Jesus. What are you feeding the lambs you are surrounded by in daily living? May we prove our love for the true Shepherd by feeding His lambs the "bread of life."
In His love.
Teresa Roberts
Masterpiece Fitness
Photos taken from my front porch just before 9:00 PM last night after a summer shower. What a lovely closure He provided at the end of the day…