Malachi 2:16
"For I hate divorce," says the Lord, the God of Israel, "and Him who covers His garment with wrong," says the Lord of host.
"So take heed to your spirit that you do not deal treacherously."
We see God’s view of divorce very clearly in Malachi with a stern warning addressed to husbands. If only more men and women heeded God’s warning. Divorce is a destructive gift that keeps on giving far beyond the moment one makes a decision to splinter a sacred union and a family. Many of us have experienced the devastation of divorce, and we are forced to live with the consequences daily. It never ends in this life. Let us learn to hate what God hates, because we know how much He loves us. He hates divorce, but He loves the brokenhearted, and He loves us in our failures. He will fill the voids others leave in your life. Let Him.
If you are married heed God’s Word in Malachi 2:13-16. Fight for your marriage and children above all else. Never give up! They are worthy. It is the only thing you take with you in eternity.
If you are the victim of divorce, give yourself to the One who always keeps his covenants, and He will never leave you for forsake you. There are no wounds so deep His love cannot reach them. He truly brings hope to the hopeless, and He heals all our wounds from rejection and betrayal.
If you are the one who fell prey to the lies of the enemy, know there is total redemption with true repentance. God’s love and Jesus’ blood is more that enough to cover your sin. How God loves a broken and contrite spirit, because He can work with a broken and contrite heart to restore and heal damages. God’s goodness can be glorified in anything if we allow Him too. There is no greater purpose for your life. Rend your heart; bend your knee, and allow His miraculous love to work through you.
In His love.
Teresa Roberts
Masterpiece Fitness
I run by a lot of folks fishing in Crooked Creek at Woodlawn, Va. I always think what a wonderful way to spend time in His Presence as I do when running. Find a way to get alone with Him today. You won’t regret it!