2 Chronicles 12:14
"He did evil because he did not set His heart to seek the Lord."
I love good biographies and am so often inspired by the writings of other’s lives. The Bible is a masterpiece of history of consequences of other’s choices, along with the effects, good and bad. Because of this there is much to be learned.
Over in 2 Chronicles you can read about Rehoboam. In chapter 11 he is following the Lord and a great leader for his people. In chapter 12 we read when his kingdom was established and strong he and all of Israel with him forsook the laws of the Lord. In verse 14 we see the cause of successful leadership becoming failure and disaster. "He did evil because he did not set his heart to seek the Lord."
When we stop following the laws of our Creator we gratify our sinful nature and many are affected by our choices with long, lasting effects. Let us set our hearts in every area of our lives to follow God’s laws, so we may bring blessing and life to ourselves and to others.
In His love.
Teresa Roberts
Masterpiece Fitness
Yesterday I set my heart to petition my Father for His help to run the Frosty 25k/50k Run at Salem Lake in Winston Salem, NC. I finished winning first in my age group! I left with a heart full of gratitude to the One who makes it all possible.