Isaiah 45:3
“I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden wealth of secret places in order that you may know it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, Who calls you by your name.”
It is a great comfort to be assured when I am in a dark place and lose my way, He assures Me His Presence is there as much as it is in the light. There I am not distracted as I desperately reach out to the One Who calls my name to reveal the hidden wealth of knowing Him intimately. It is a secret place He invites all to come. Embrace the times of darkness for the fulfillment of the promise.
In His love.
As the photo reveals overwhelming darkness cannot overcome the reflection of light the moon reflects from the sun. No matter how dark this world seems it cannot put out the Light we reflect from being in the secret places with the SON. Let your light shine in the darkness!
(Photo taken from home)
Teresa Roberts
Masterpiece Fitness