"For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle; in the secret place of His tent He will hide me. He will lift me upon a rock." Psalm 27:15

When we love deeply, we get hurt deeply. When we love freely, and have no walls of protection the pain others can inflict will destroy us unless we learn what David did, and do what the Bible teaches us in the day of trouble. As followers of Christ we are constantly investing in others lives. We are all imperfect which means days of trouble along with days of wonderous glory. When we experience severe hurt from those we invest our lives in what are we to do with all the pain? We must allow ourselves to be concealed in His tabernacle in the secret place of His tent. We have His Spirit dwelling inside of us. It isn’t a physical building, but it is a spiritual position we must take. We must shut everyone and everything out but Him. We must allow ourselves to be hidden and concealed in His love for a time of healing. There is no pain or hurt so great that His love cannot bring healing. He was sent for the broken and totally crushed in spirit. HE has been there.

As a mother I so often was able to go pick up my crying children out of hurtful situations, and lift them up into my arms and soothe and comfort them til the crying had ended. A mother’s love often represents the love of Christ and the Father’s heart. But sometimes it is the mother needing to be lifted up.
"He will lift me upon a Rock."
The rock we all must be placed upon is Jesus. He is the physical image of the invisible God. (Colossians 1:15) The person of Jesus represents the Father’s heart of love for all His children.

Perhaps you are in a state of brokenness this morning. Feelings of disrespect, betrayal, forsaken, feeling insignificant and devalued by those you have loved most in your life. Jesus knows. He lived in the same environment you and me do today. I know He can put you back together when you have been shattered into pieces over and over again. His love for you is greater than any pain others may inflict. There is always hope for us all. The key is where you run to in your pain. He is the only safe place to go.

Allow Him to conceal you in His arms in the secret place of His love He has created just for you. Don’t leave until He has been able to heal the wounds of your broken heart and fill your emptiness again. We must press on to fulfill His will and purpose for our lives. It is all that truly matters.
In His love.

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness


Sitting on the rock lifting up my precious little granddaughter, Sarah Grace!