But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life." Jude 20

We know the return of Christ draws nearer with each passing day. Every time I go to the Word lately I feel the Holy Spirit is encouraging me to prepare, and spend my time wisely in His Word drawing ever closer to our Father as we truly prepare for His return. There is only one chapter in the book of Jude. He closes his letter with this warning:

But you, beloved, ought to remember the words that were spoken beforehand by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, that they were saying to you,
" In the last days there will be mockers, following after their own ungodly lusts."
These are the ones who cause divisions, worldly minded, devoid of the Spirit. (17-19)

Let us look closely at what we are not to be if we profess to be Christians. We cannot continue to follow after ungodly lusts. We must take an honest look into our hearts and acknowledge where our lusts lie that can lead to our demise spiritually. We know our salvation is only through the blood of Jesus. He is the only way for salvation. It is not based on works, but faith in Him as our Savior. However, the Bible is very clear that all will be judged for their works, thoughts, and words they have spoken. These are the people who cause division, and stir up strife. They are worldly minded. They are much more concerned with the cares of this world than the one to come.

In contrast, the true followers of Christ are focused on the greatness of our God and their eternal future. The religious people are ever learning knowledge, but never receiving the truth only revealed through the Holy Spirit. God will judge from within — not what is displayed outwardly. He judges the thoughts and motives of our hearts. There is only one righteous judge and it is God Himself. Nothing will be hidden on that day. Justice will be served on any and every unrighteous act not covered by the blood of Jesus.

That is why I am highly motivated to stay in God’s Word and pray for truth in the innermost being. The truth about all of us inwardly can only be revealed by the Holy Spirit revealing it through the Word of God. (Hebrews 4:12) If we are willing, we can be a pure and spotless bride as we adorn ourselves before He returns by seeking truth above all else. As we receive revelation, we know we can confess, truly repent, and be cleansed of all our unrighteousness and avoid the judgement of those sins. That is the good news of the Gospel! (1 John 1:9)

Now let’s take a look at Jude’s instruction for us who are true disciples of Christ. We are first and foremost to keep ourselves in the love of God. If we do that, we are not tempted to look in the wrong places for love. Our heart is filled, and we are complete in Him. We then are able to give out His love we have allowed to flow from Him into us. If we allow ourselves to become the needy ones, we are open to lies, deception, and all the temptations satan uses to kill, steal, and destroy us. (John 10:10) Every need we have He can more than provide for. I know this is true.

We must build ourselves up in our faith praying in the Holy Spirit. No one can do this for you. It is your responsibility. We cannot survive from encouragement from others only. David tells us he encouraged and strengthened himself in the Lord when his own men turned against him. (1 Samuel 30:6) We must do the same.

We are to be waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life. How can we not? He has gone to prepare a place for us. Read your Bible. Find out the truth about heaven. There is nothing on this earth to compare with what awaits us forever! No more sin. We will be free from our flesh, and will be like Jesus. Heaven will be holy, and we will live in holiness. I love the holiness of our God!

We will never hurt anyone, and no one will ever hurt us again. Ultimately, we will never fail the Lord again! We will know Him fully as we are fully known. (1 Corinthians 13:12) There is no sickness in heaven. I long to live where He is and all that is good. I have a very blessed life on this earth because of Him, but how I long for where I truly belong. This is not our home.

May your hearts be encouraged as mine was as we allow Jude to close our devotion today with His benediction:

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.
In His love.

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness



With all the incredible beauty our Father overwhelms us with, remember, just as it is written:

"Things which the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9

Qualification? To love Him above all else, so He can reveal to you how much He loves you!