Romans 1:11-12
"I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong–that is, that you and i may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith."

I share a lot of great times with a lot of great people, but there is nothing I value more in life than people of like precious faith. The greatest thing we can impart to one another is mutual encouragement by each other’s faith. This creates a unity that is deeply satisfying and rich to which nothing else compares. Let us long to impart spiritually to one another to strengthen and make each other stronger in our faith. It is all that has eternal value; everything else passes away.
In His love.

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness


Cooling off after speed work and a rather hot bike ride on the New River Trail. I highly recommend hitting Chestnut Creek Falls for a massage and cooling off.

Bonnie Harrington shares the moment!