Exodus 34:2
“So be ready by morning, and come up in the morning to Mount Sinai, and present yourself there to Me on the top of the mountain.”
I took this scripture to heart yesterday morning and accepted the Lord’s invitation. Sometimes I just have to put the brakes on, and stop the madness of life. It is the time to go to the mountain top to be instructed by my God. We must go alone as God instructed Moses. He values His time alone with us as we do our own children. Adult children have little time for parents anymore, and it made me realize how little quality time we make for our Heavenly Father. He longs for us even more than we do our own children. Perhaps this is your morning to make a trek to a mountain top to meet with Him, and allow Him to give you your own set of commandments for your life and family. i promise He will be there to meet and speak to you.
In His love.
Teresa Roberts
Masterpiece Fitness
Since I couldn’t get to Mount Sinai, I ended up at a childhood favorite location I use to ride horses to, Fisher’s Peak, just off the Parkway. Most of the time I have it to myself, and yesterday was no exception. It was a beautiful hike engulfed with sunshine, blue sky, and the trees in all their glory. The view at the top was clear and expansive. I was not disappointed.