"See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people." 1 Thessalonians 5:15

God’s Word is full of answers to the problems we face as a society. Man has a way of complicating his life as he leans on his own understanding rather than seeking the wisdom of the God who created him, and this incredible universe we live in.

My daughter, Sarah started college at a very young age. She came home, and informed me her professor told her she could not use the Bible as a source when writing about history. It was amazing how this man prided himself on his knowledge with no wisdom to apply it. Sarah and I discussed how ironic he felt he knew more than the God who created him. I spent a difficult semester watching my daughter teach him more than he taught her!

Knowing the One who created you keeps you in touch with reality, because he is the greatest reality there is. Those who suppress the truth of God’s Word will forever walk in darkness. As we look around at our social disorder and the chaos surrounding us we see the results of man’s so called knowledge and understanding of social justices. Might we learn from the beginning of time from the greatest history book ever written. From Genesis to Revelation the truth of His Words will never change. Revising history and printing lies doesn’t change eternal truth. "Jesus is the way, the truth and the life." (John 14:6) This is a part of all our history, black, white, Asian, or Hispanic. It is for all mankind.The external skin may be different colors, but we all are the same color internally, have the same color of blood, and possess the same body parts.

In order to restore our society it begins with each one of us taking responsibility for our social actions and behaviors as we look at the simple, but profound truth of God’s Word. Let us meditate, memorize, and pray to obey it. It’s that simple! It bears repeating:

"See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people."
InHis love.

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness



God speaks profound truths through simple things He has taught me to observe in life. May He give us eyes to see and a heart of understanding as we pray for ears to hear.