Masterpiece Fitness would like to acknowledge and express deep gratitude to the local mountain bikers who created the trails out at Matthews State Forest. These folks worked tirelessly over a period of years to create the trails we are all enjoying. After moving back here three years ago I was taken out to Matthews by some of these guys and proudly shown the fruit of their labor and encouraged to come enjoy, and that I did. Most of these guys grew up here, as well as myself, and we all share a love for this area and all it has to offer. One of the reasons I wanted to move back here is what I saw in these guys. Some of these guys I went to school with. We all share a love for the outdoors. We developed this love from growing up outdoors here in Grayson and Carroll County
One of the main reasons I wanted to return to this area to live were people like these guys. I find them to be hardworking, kind, generous hearts, honest, and actually care about other people. The trails were created out of a passion for mountain bike riding and a love for being outdoors. Their passion was to share these trails with others who would have a true appreciation and for that I am eternally grateful. Even though I am a bike rider I had never truly mountain biked. I did attempt to ride the trails and soon learned you don’t begin on Matthews! These trails are considered advanced mountain bike riding. But what I did love was running these trails and was encouraged to do so. The motive of these guys was to share the beauty and their hardwork they proudly display. I got a list of names and when I asked about acknowledging them by name they declined. I had asked the one I was told spearheaded the trails to attend the race so I could acknowledge him, he declined. I asked another who lives locally, he also declined. Recognition is not what they are about. What impressed me about all these guys was their humility and character which is what I remembered as a child and made me long to return to our incredible mountains. Again, may I take this opportunity to express appreciation to these wonderful guys whose hard work has brought untold enjoyment to so many people. They will never know the extent of the difference they have made in so many lives by what they spent their time doing for all to enjoy. In today’s society we find so few who exhibit this kind of giving. It is a giving not to get. They exhibit what it truly means to give and not be after recognition. Their reward seems to be gratification in seeing others enjoy what they created the trails for. I feel they had no idea the impact it would make in others lives for years and years to come.
I share their love for the people, this area, and for staying fit outdoors. That is why I too have worked to build off their efforts for people who cannot bike the trails, but choose to run or hike them. I am thrilled to bring the first trail run to this area April 6. I appreciate the encouragement and enthusiasm I have been shown by these guys. May we all work together to continue the use of the trails. Everyone is made aware when bikers are on the trail we yield always in honor to the ones who made the trails possible. We want to thank all who have participated in anyway as far as ongoing maintenance. I hope in the future as we are made more aware of what the needs are we can be more instrumental in helping with whatever needs arise. All runners and hikers are encouraged to clean up as they go. Remove debri; should there be any trash, pick it up. May we all work together as we pursue the same goals. Again, you guys know who you are. We all love and appreciate all your sacrafices to make these trails available not only for bikers, but for all who share passion for the beauty of our mountains.