[category devotionals]"The Lord God has given Me the tongue of disciples, that I may sustain the weary one with a word. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple." Isaiah 50:4

In our verse this week we find Jesus speaking through the prophet, Isaiah. This was a prophetic word concerning the Messiah. The Bible tells us we are now joint heirs with Christ. His inheritance became ours as He went to the cross to enable us to be adopted by our Heavenly Father. (Romans 8:17)

Isaiah 50:4 reveals the hidden mystery of becoming a true disciple of Jesus. We must follow His actions with the Father. We must realize we are being awakened each morning first thing to hear from the Father. Listening to the counsel of God’s Word is the first priority of the day before any disciple of Christ can function. Once we have shed the carnal mind of the flesh and taken in the mind of Christ, we can sustain the weary one with a word; His words, not ours.

Once again we see simple profound truth in the instruction of God’s Word. We must give Him first place in our day in order to profit in all areas of our lives. In John 6:63 we read:

It is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life."

We can’t give what we ourselves do not possess. If we do not have the Words of Life, we possess the word of our carnal understanding which profits nothing eternally.

So I ask you as parents how are you impacting and shaping your children’s lives? What and who are you teaching them by your example to become disciples of? We are all discipled by someone when choosing our priorities of daily living.

May I challenge fathers to honestly evaluate what you are allowing to disciple your family. Is it sports? Does TV and movies consume most of your time together as a family rather than God’s Word? What is the time ratio in your home? Mothers, what kind of example is being lived out every morning as they are looking to you for guidance and desperately needing counsel from God’s Word? Men have been given the responsibility, authority, and accountability for the family. They will be held accountable before God for spiritual leadership one day. Mothers are responsible before God with the authority you have been given over your children. Let us as adults get our own walks in order to get our homes in order. Look honestly within your own home before focusing on trying to change the world. Becoming obedient to Isaiah 50:4 will change the world one family at a time!
In His love.

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness



Our children and grandchildren are a very weary population in society. Let us give them the Words of Life morning by morning that will sustain the weary one with a word.

A week with my little grandson, Levi. We shared Words of Life and had the times of our lives!!