"…the Lord is with you when you are with Him. And if you seek Him, He will let you find Him, but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you."
2 Chronicles 15:2
The only thing that differentiates us as believers from the rest of the world is our reliance upon God’s Spirit, or Presence, and His Word. As we rely totally on His Presence and His Word to guide us and lead us He is able to work His will in and through us. That is our purpose in life if we make the choice to become bond slaves of Christ.
I know His ways are heavenly and mine are earthly. (Isaiah 55:8-9) His ways are much higher than anything man can produce. He is all knowing. True wisdom can only come from Him. Thankfully it only took me almost 21 years of doing things my way to recognize I needed Someone bigger than myself to rely on. As a result I have lived my last 40+ years with fewer regrets. It doesn’t mean life will be any easier, but it does mean I am never left to myself alone. His Presence never leaves us. I have His Words of promises to cling to for wisdom and guidance, and to know the truth in all things. I honestly don’t know why everyone doesn’t look to the One who loves us as no other, and can meet all our needs no one else can. Ephesians 1:23 tells us He is the God who fills all in all. That is quite a promise, and I have found it to be true from personal experience.
May I encourage you today to stop relying on anything other than God Himself and His Word? Meditate on our verse for the day. Let yourself be with Him, and He will be with you; He will let Himself be found. He is the God who can fill all in all. Empty yourself out before Him in order to be filled with His love and promises.
In His love.
Teresa Roberts
Masterpiece Fitness
I spent a lovely week in Florida this past week, and found my eyes and heart filled with His gifts in a welcomed, warmer climate. Just a few of His "fillings" in my life.