Psalm 73:28
"But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works."
In the midst of this election year who are you drawing near to, and who or what have you made your refuge? The psalmist in Psalm 73 declares he had lost his way. He had became embittered because of the prosperity of the wicked and the lack of reward for those who were living righteously. His eyes were on the temporal, and he despaired over the condition of his society. When he pondered to understand, it troubled him deeply – till he drew near to God and allowed Him to be His refuge. In His nearness to God He was assured God was continually with him, and He had hold of his hand. In this Psalm we see the psalmist assured he will be counseled by God and receive His guidance, and eventually be received in glory! We too must realize when our flesh and heart begins to fail us, God becomes our strength and our portion forever. Those who are unfaithful and far from Him will perish. Let us draw near to our God knowing He is a good, good, Father knowing full well the nearness of God is our good, our refuge, and our eternal destination.
In His love.
Teresa Roberts
Masterpiece Fitness
Photo of a recent hike to the Channels of Virginia near Abingdon. I love to share and tell of His works! I have an album on Facebook of all of His splendor during this amazing hike. Enjoy and be comforted in the greatness of our God!