James 4:7-8a
“Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.”

When we are in a battle, the first course of action is submission to God and His Word. Of course we must draw near to Him before we can hear from Him, and become more aware of His Presence than our enemies and our battles. He is always available for us to draw near to. He never leaves or forsakes us. When we go to Him, He will embrace us, and we will hear the voice of the Holy Spirit from deep within. He guides us through His Words out of the webs of lies the enemy weaves in our minds. Then we are able to resist the lies with Truth, and the father of lies must flee. Draw near to your Father today and every day, and submit to His love and guidance that He might equip you with Truth. The truth sets us free.
In His love.

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness


Yesterday was a beautiful, serene morning as I made the run from Foster Falls to Allisonia for the last time before the New River Challenge Triathlon. With the river running high, I was a happy girl!