Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever; for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength."
This is a verse I use to pray over my youngest son, Stephen, when we moved in a home where he had his own bedroom for the first time. He was use to sleeping with siblings. He and I both found wisdom and was comforted by repetitiously saying this verse nightly. We learned that much of life depends on where your focus is. You have control over your mind. Input equals output.
We are promised "perfect peace" if we keep our mind steadfast on the Lord and trust in Him. We meditate on His love and the many promises He makes to those who love Him. Truly, it is a perfect peace we experience as we allow ourselves to be enveloped in His perfect love. Perfect love cast out fear.(1 John 4:18) It isn’t difficult to trust in a perfect God who is much greater than ourselves. As we do this we are also promised everlasting strength. I am no longer a young mother, so this part of the verse has come to mean much more to me. As for Stephen he is no longer a little boy, but a very successful young man who continues to place his trust in the One who gave him perfect peace as a child.
What are you placing your trust in this morning? What are we teaching our children to place their trust in? The answers lie in the Lord Jehovah and His promises. His Word is truth and cannot lie. All the world has to offer will not bring the peace and love we all search for so desperately. You will never regret teaching your children to rely on Someone much greater than ourselves. My children and I continue to find lasting strength, love, and peace in Him and in Him alone. I am thankful for a mother and father who pointed me in that direction when I was a child. I veered off for a time trying to find my own way, but I knew where to return to. May this simple, profound verse become a moment by moment reality in all our lives.
In His love.
Teresa Roberts
Masterpiece Fitness
Three generations who know where perfected love, peace, and strength come from. How wonderful to share the wealth of generational faith and love.
(Pictured: Myself, my mom, and Stephen)