"But you, Bethlehem Ephratha, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times."

When God sent His Son into the world He sent a message to the ones who the world tells them they have no value, they are unimportant, the ones who are considered "small" among the clans. Have you been made to feel small, unloved, unimportant, forgotten, this Christmas? Allow the God who sent you a Savior define your worth through His Word and the birth of the Son of God.
God chose Bethlehem for the birth place of the most important birth in history. He chose Simeon and Anna to get to hold His Son at birth and to pray and prophesy over Mary, Joseph and Jesus. We know Anna’s age, and have every reason to believe Simeon was waiting to be released from this earth due to age. Was Simeon and Anna considered of great value by God in spite of their age… or was it because of it? He sent an angel to the shepherds that were dirty, smelly, and uneducated, who were on the bottom of the totem pole of society. He chose not only Bethlehem, but a stable for His Son to be born in. He chose Joseph, a carpenter, not a religious leader to father His Son. Allow the Christmas story to reveal the true heart of God for those who are not esteemed in this world, appreciated, or valued.
This time of year can become a time of deep sorrow and pain for many. Oh, hear the heart of your Father this morning! His value system is so different from the world we live in. " But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the out ward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." Offer Him all He requires this Christmas–all of your heart. Allow Him to heal and save you. He is our Savior. He came for all mankind. For those of us who feel small and unimportant in all the chaos this time of year know He chooses the small things for His Son to come out of. Allow His love that came through His Son to come in and take over your heart, and out of you will come One who is of old, from ancient times. The things that are old of ancient times are also valued in scripture, unlike today’s society. Oh, that we would return to the pure, unrevised word of God.

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness


How His love came through these two "small things" this Christmas playing basketball!

(My little grandson, Levi, and my nephew’s son, Jace at a family gathering)