Isaiah 51:7
Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.
I have always loved the snow! As a child I loved how it transformed dreary, dark days of winter into a world of bright, fresh, white purity with a touch of gentleness and peace. It also rewarded me with “no school days!” Instead, days of sledding dodging cows in the pasture, building snowmen, snow women, and children, horseback riding in the snow, and lots of snow cream by the fire complete with frozen feet and hands with icicles dangling in my hair!
As an adult snow continues exposes the little girl still very much alive, but it takes on a much deeper meaning than during childhood. Each flake brings to remembrance that though my sins are as scarlet, I am washed whiter than the snow in my Father’s eyes because of the blood of Jesus. (Isaiah 1:18) We all are sinners in need of a Savior, and God sent Jesus. It not only reminds me of my constant cleansing of the blood of Christ, but also others sins are under that purification the same as mine. We must forgive one another, and extend the same grace we have received. Allow the beauty of the snow to bring the deeper revelation of the cleansing blood of Christ that covers all our sins and the sins of others, creating pure hearts white as the snow.
In His love.
Teresa Roberts
Masterpiece Fitness
I not only awoke to the beautiful snow covered mountains, but the Lord topped it off with a full moon! My cup runneth over!