They said to one another,
"Were not our hearts not burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the scriptures to us?"
Luke 24:32
While Jesus walked on this earth He was a great Teacher in every way. He exemplified unrelenting love to all His disciples, and what a mixture they were! From prostitutes, fishermen, adulterers, tax collectors, lawyers, etc. He came for all mankind. He was constantly teaching; sometimes one on one, sometimes in the temple, and sometimes to the crowds. Here in Luke 24 we find Jesus walking on the road to Emmaus with two of His own. He had already risen from the dead at this point, but He had not yet ascended. This chapter reveals He started with Moses and explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the scriptures.
Perhaps, you like me, while reading this longed to be one of the two and have the Son of God teaching us. He quickly revealed to me He teaches us everyday through His Holy Spirit that lives inside us. He promised to send the Holy Spirit which took place just after the ascension at Pentecost. He told us in His Word the Holy Spirit would be our teacher and lead us into all truth concerning the scripture. (John 14:26, John 16:13)
In Luke 24:45 it states:
"Then He opened their minds to understand the scriptures."
The Bible cannot be read academically as all other books can. You must know the One who wrote it, and He must reveal the hidden mysteries of God. It still is the greatest desire of the heart of God to reveal truth to all, because He knows only the absolute truth can set you free. He is Truth! (John 14:6) The answers to all of life are found in the Holy Bible, but you must rely on the Holy Spirit to reveal it to you. It is of the spirit and the flesh cannot comprehend it: it is foolishness to the natural mind. (1 Corinthians 2:14)
When was the last time you sat down and allowed the Holy Spirit to be your Teacher and explain and reveal the scriptures? I promise you it will burn within your heart as it did the two on the Emmaus road. He is available to all mankind. We have not, because we ask not. We must quite ourselves in His Presence.
It tells us in verse 35 He was recognized by them in the breaking of the bread. He is still recognized the same way today. May I encourage you to break the "Bread of Life", which is the Word of God, and allow Him to once again reveal Himself to you as He did then.
In His love.
Teresa Roberts
Masterpiece Fitness
In order to accomplish difficult endurance feats I am prone to do, I break the "Bread of Life" with my Lord, and I am strengthened in my spirit before I am physically capable to do what I do and teach others to do.
Photos taken running a 10+ mile trail run at Hanging Rock State Park in Danbury, NC. At the "High Five at Hanging Rock," we scaled five peaks including Moore’s Knob, Cook’s Wall, House Rock, Wolf Rock and lastly Hanging Rock where these photos were taken.