Luke 3:21-22
"Now when all the people were baptized, Jesus was also baptized, and while He was praying, heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came out of heaven, "You are my beloved Son, in You I am well pleased.""
How privileged we are that God the Father was willing to share such an intimate moment with His Son. We know Jesus never sinned, and yet He chose to be baptized by John the Baptist. What a display of humility by the Son of God, and I believe an expression of love and adoration to His heavenly Father. Then while Jesus was praying, or talking to His heavenly Father, it appears the Father’s heart overflowed with love for His Son to the degree that He opened the heavens and tenderly descended upon His Son in the form of a gentle dove. Then He proudly proclaimed, as only a parent can begin to comprehend, that Jesus was His beloved Son, and in Him He was well pleased.
Sometimes when separated for long periods of time from my children I feel my heart will burst with longing for the sound of their voices and hearing whats on their hearts. Those times give me greater understanding for my Heavenly Father’s heart. Even though Jesus seemed to stay in constant communion with His Father, it cost our heavenly Father greatly to send His Son to earth to become our Savior. There are no words in the English language to capture the price the Father paid when He asked His Son to come so we coud be reconciled and restored to our Father’s perfect love.
Do you feel alone and insignificant this morning? Let this expression of love from the Father and Son fill you full to overflowing. It is guaranteed and proven by many for centuries. Invite them to take the throne of your heart. It is where They belong.
In His love.
Teresa Roberts
Masterpiece Fitness
In Him alone we find a resting place! He literally provided Julie Kinney with a momentary resting place during a challenging seven mile hike yesterday we conquered at Matthews State Forest, Galax, Virginia. What a good, good, Father!