Masterpiece Fitness is owned and operated by Teresa Roberts. As you can see by credentials Teresa is well equipped academically as a personal trainer, water rehab specialist, and fitness instructor for a broad range of activity, but perhaps even more importantly she is an “experiential teacher.” What she teaches she has lived. She has been an avid runner… see resume for list of past races and events participated in. She has lived an active lifestyle all her life. But what radically changed her outlook on fitness was when Jesus became not just her Savior, but her Lord at 21 years of age. She began to have revelation from the Word of God our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Our bodies have been bought with a price and what a price! We are commanded to glorify God with our bodies. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Masterpiece Fitness was derived from the revelation the human body truly is the masterpiece of all God’s creation. Teresa became convicted personally to treat her body as such. Realizing her own body was a masterpiece of God; out of deep conviction she began to treat it as such. This revelation changed the way she ate as well. She began to get informed more on nutrition. Simply put she aspired to become a good steward of the body she had been given.
After conceiving the first of her four children she became even more enamored with the creation of a woman’s body particularly. The process of carrying children for nine months, experiencing four births, and nursing the
children there are no words to describe the awesomeness of the human body in her opinion. As a result she is equipped experientially to help post natal and prenatal women in taking care of their bodies and getting back in shape.
Ideally she would prefer to help them stay fit throughout their pregnancy as their health and condition permits. No one goes through four pregnancies and doesn’t have to deal with a lot of fluctuating weight. Yes, she does know what it is like to be overweight and the discipline it takes to lose it.
In 2000, Teresa had a horse rear and fall back on top of her. She took the weight of the horse in her pelvis. The horse rolled on top of her to get up crushing the right side. Her vital signs were lost and she struggled for her life. Without a lot of detail she spent 30 days in traction and was sent home in a wheelchair with little hope she would run again. If she walked, she would more than likely have a limp. Without any formal training she began her own rehab therapy in the water. She did a lot of praying asking the Lord for healing and guidance. The accident happened June 24th. She was released from the hospital July 24th. The end result was she shuffled a very hilly 10k run the first week of October. The following year she participated in a triathlon that consisted of 40 miles of mountain bike riding on the New River Trail, 12 miles of solo canoeing on the New River, and finishing with a half marathon run. She not only finished, but was fourth female overall,
and won first in her age group. As a result she got multiple certifications through WaterArt International including certification for water rehabilitation therapy. She has been able to inspire and help multiple people with hip and knee replacements. She is a huge advocate of the healing power of the water. It provides a safe, pain free environment you can get nowhere else. It is a wonderful place for our senior population which needs the hydrostatic support of the water for their joints. It also is a wonderful way to work on balance that digresses with age.
She has years of personal training experience and teaching classes in the water as a result of her accident. Not only is water great for rehab, but you can take the fit of fittest and bring them to a point of crawling out of the pool! With that said, it is still the most pain free way to stay fit. The constant massage of the water with movement constantly soothes and increases circulation. Personal training is extremely effective in the water for all levels.
If you have an interest in running your first 5k or marathon, again Teresa has years of personal experience and success with both. Perhaps you might be thinking of your first triathlon, again, Teresa can train you from personal experience.
The people who have made the biggest impact in my life are the people who live what they teach. Obviously, the best fitness instructors are instructors who live fit lives themselves.
Teresa is anxious to apply and impart her wisdom to help others to achieve what she has in her own life. Please contact her with questions or to make an appointment.