Teresa Roberts is not only academically equipped to do personal training and rehabilitation, but she is
experientially equipped as well. During the summer of 2000 she had a horse rear up and fall back on
top of her crushing her pelvis, tearing the ligaments from her spine. She was in traction for thirty days
at the Baptist Hospital in Winston Salem, NC. She was sent home in a wheel chair not knowing if she
would ever run again. She was told she would probably always have a limp if she walked. The pelvic
specialist she had would not allow her to start any kind of physical therapy, so she began her own. After
praying for wisdom she got her children’s biology and health books to find some guidance. At the time
she was homeschooling her four children.
Even though unable to be weight bearing on either leg, she knew it was important to get her heart
pumping to deliver the needed cells for healing and restoration. The answer was water. In the water
she was weightless, so she had her children push her wheelchair as deeply as possible in a neighborhood
pond that was spring fed with a sandy bottom. She then used a walker to help her go deeper and an air
mattress for buoyancy. Thus began the not so long process of healing. Later, still unable to put weight
on her legs, she went to a bike. It was miraculously successful! She came home from the hospital July
24th in a wheelchair, but the first weekend in October she ran, or shall I say shuffled a hilly 10K race in
Asheboro, NC! The following year she did the Virginia Challenge Triathlon consisting of 40 miles of
biking on the New River Trail, 12 miles of solo canoeing on New River, and ending with a half marathon
(13.1 miles) finishing at Foster Falls. She not only finished, but was fourth woman overall, and won her
age group!
Teresa also knows what it is like to struggle with extra pounds. She continued to run races,
teach fitness classes, and do biathlons through four pregnancies in six years. That is a lot of weight
fluctuation! The struggles she has experienced in life has given her a compassion, understanding, and
wisdom that can only come from personal experience. She is highly motivated to help others overcome
obstacles in their own lives. She tends to agree with the cliché’ “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.”
Teresa extends an invitation to come to Masterpiece Fitness, and allow her to help you get stronger
not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well!
Whether you goal is to run your first 5k race or to run a marathon Teresa can help you achieve these
goals. She has been an avid runner for 30 years. She also can help with speed work to decrease your
race times and achieve a personal best record. If you have an interest in trail running she is a passionate
trail runner, again with a lot of experience.
Teresa also offers water rehabilitation for arthritic folks, people recuperating from hip replacements,
knee surgeries, shoulder issue, etc. There are many advantages to rehab in the water. One of the
main ones is low to no impact on the joints. Water provides a natural resistance for improving balance,
strengthening and toning the musculature.