Psalm 42:8
"The Lord will command His loving-kindness in the daytime; and His song will be with me in the night, a prayer to the God of my life."

The beginning of a new year usually causes us to contemplate life in general. As I read Psalm 42 this morning, this verse became not a new year resolution, but a prayer to the God of my life.

May I encourage you to pray more rather than trying to resolve within yourself what you hope to accomplish this year. I can think of nothing more important in life than to pray for an awareness of His loving-kindness that already belongs to all of us. May we learn to sing heart songs to Him as we fall asleep, and listen for His songs over us in the night. That my friend will create a happy, prosperous new year for all- with the exception of pharmaceutical companies 🙂

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness


Let us keep our eyes peeled to observe His loving-kindness in the simple beauty of life.

(Photo taken on a recent frosty morning hike.)