"…they are new every morning…"

"The Lord’s loving kindness indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."

Lamentations 3:22-23

As I observe the newness of life springtime ushers in I am overwhelmed with an awareness of new beginnings. I am so thankful if we are still breathing there is a chance for new beginnings. Jeremiah, the weeping prophet, expresses this beautifully in Lamentations chapter three. We hear his lament when he is in the depths of despair, but then he expresses great hope as he remembers the character of his God in verses 19-26. I encourage you to take the time to read this chapter today.

Every spring I experience euphoria as all creation affirms this truth. I seem to come alive along with all the trees and flowers after a long, cold, dark winter. I rejoice in the seasons of life as I do the seasons of creation. Even though we all experience difficult times they do not last forever.

I relate to Jeremiah who turned to the Master of new beginnings knowing every morning is a chance for a new beginning. Know this is true for you as well. Circumstances and people are constantly changing, but the character of our God is not. His loving kindness never ceases, His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is His faithfulness. The provision has been made, but you must partake. Allow Him to lift you to a new beginning this morning. All that is required is entering into His Presence with His promises in hand. Allow Him, by His Spirit, to impart His life into yours that you may bloom and bring hope to others for His glory.

In His love.

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness


May we bask in the warmth of His love and be transformed into new beginning as the tress and flowers epitomize so beautifully this time of year!

(Photos were taken locally, literally on the run this week.)