"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place." 2 Corinthians14

In order to develop a relationship with God, or with each other there must be cooperation from both parties. God promises to be our Shepherd and lead us as His sheep. Before we can be led by God we must position ourselves in a state of submission and surrender behind the One who is to lead us. But thanks be to God if we make the choice to be led daily by the Holy Spirit we are promised to triumph in Christ during our highs and lows of life. Perhaps the most amazing promise is that God can manifest the sweet aroma of Christ and the knowledge of Him through us in every place! Ponder this promise as Mary did the promises the angel spoke to her before Jesus’s birth. If we are willing to allow the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to lead us in our daily choices of life, we will always triumph through all Christ is to us and has done for us. No matter where He leads us, if we are willing to follow and not get out in front of Him, He will be able to manifest the sweet aroma of the knowledge of our Savior in every place.

In John 10:1-18 Jesus gives the discourse of the Good Shepherd. I encourage you to take this chapter and study it on a daily basis for one week. Start a journal, and write down the thoughts you receive from the Holy Spirit as you do so. He will speak to you.
John 10:4 states:

"When He puts forth all His own, He goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow Him because they know His voice."

This is to be the normal Christian life. Jesus is the Shepherd, and we, His disciples, are the sheep. Pray for a deeper understanding as you read this chapter.
In John 10:14 Jesus declares:

"I am the good Shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me."

Sheep have to be intimately acquainted with their Shepherd and His voice. At times they will be exposed to many voices trying to steal the sheep away from the true Shepherd, but read John 10:1-5. The sheep simply wouldn’t listen to any other voice, but would flee away from the other voices, because they knew the voice of the true Shepherd. In this day of many voices as never before trying to tell us which way to go here is the simple solution for sheep — know the voice of your Shepherd better than any other voice. Of course, how that is achieved is we must listen to Him constantly throughout our daily lives in order to stay on the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life. Now, we must take this truth and apply it to our lives as never before. We must begin with an honest answer to what voice we are listening to more than any other on a daily basis? If Jesus is to have first place He must be the honest answer. That means more than your spouse or children. If you want to be a better wife, husband, parent, student, employer, or employee, make hearing His voice in all places your priority.
Allow the following verses in John 10:27-28 to motivate you:

"My sheep hear My voice and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand."

May we all heed the voice of our Shepherd and become the true sheep that allow Him to cause us to triumph in all things through Christ that we may usher in the sweet aroma of Christ, and the knowledge of Him in every place our feet treads. Is this not the deepest desire of every true follower of Christ? We have the answer and the hope for the world within us!
In His love.

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness



How easy it was to hear His voice on my morning runs this week in the stillness and beauty of His creation!