"…that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us, for in him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said. For we are also His children." Acts 17:27-28

When we take the time to read Acts 17 we are enabled to observe Paul’s ministry in action and what he encountered. In verse 16 we find him waiting for Timothy and Silas to join him in Athens. While waiting there we read his spirit was provoked within him as he was observing the city full of idols. We are told this diverse city with many diverse gods spent much of their time in nothing other than telling or hearing something new. Paul told them he recognized they were very religious in all respects. He spoke to them about an altar he had seen that was to the Unknown God, and told them they worshiped in ignorance. He then began to tell them of the one true God:

"The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands, nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation."

Then we pick up with verses 27-28.

We oftenhear misquoted, "we are all children of God" by those without knowledge of the whole counsel of God. It is true in the sense that all have something of the divine in them, because they all have been created and given life by God. But look at our verses again. He created all to seek Him to know Him that He might reveal His love for us, and guide us through life. He wants to share life with you just as you love sharing life with your children. He wants to guide you and impart wisdom and understanding that your life might count for something more than American prosperity. The ones who truly are His do live, and move, and have their being in Him.

This kind of life was described by Jesus with the word, "abiding" in John 15. Please take the time to read the chapter. It means to dwell, or to remain. If you strive to live life this way you will find out just how empty life is without acknowledging Him in all you do. I absolutely love living life with folks who help me keep Him the center of my life. Unfortunately they are few and hard to find. It doesn’t stop me from being aware of His Presence, but you long for all to know and experience what you do. There is nothing that compares with God Himself and the fact He so desperately wants to be included in your life just as we long to be included in our children’s lives. I have great friends I love dearly and we share a lot of good and bad times in life together. But there is no one I love sharing life with more than my own children, because they are mine. I gave life to them and reared them. We are all made in God’s image. That is how He feels about each one of us.

No one can take your place in God’s heart. My four children are all unique and different and no one can take the place of the other. The Lord feels the same way about you. He has used my children continuously to show me how much He loves me by reminding me He gave me my mother’s heart. That agape love originated from Him to me.

I believe this is the description of the abundant life Jesus came to give each one of us. It is simple. He has set apart the godly to Himself. There is no greater gift my children can give me than when they have set apart time to be together. I love quality time alone with each one individually more than anything. I want to hear their hearts, their deepest thoughts, their joys, their struggles. I want to be there when they need me, but I can’t be there unless they allow it. It is the same with our Heavenly Father. We have to go to Him. We have to allow Him in our lives. We have to make time alone with Him to truly be His children no matter the age, young or old.

I have evolved into a relationship with the Lord where I don’t just need Him, I want Him. I desire the sweetness of His Presence. I don’t want to leave Him out of anything I do. His loving kindness is better than life as David declared in Psalm 63.

Relationships are far superior when both parties include Him. It is certainly true in marriage and families. Why would we not want God Almighty in our lives? What is most astounding is He wants us! Please don’t allow life to pass by with your Heavenly Father pushed out of your life. Everyone is robbed of all that really matters in our lives; honest, deep relationships with our Creator first, and then with each other. The pretentious, performance driven life will disappear as we become who He made us to be, honest, humble, genuine, and sincere. When we live to please Him more than ourselves we will live to please each other. There is no other way for our society, our families, and our nation to recover. We do not have an unknown God. We serve a God who longs to know us and for us to know Him. This is what qualifies us to be called "Children of God."
In His love.

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness



I recently enjoyed savored quality time with my grandson, Levi. When Caleb, my middle son came to pick him up we three spent the day together kayaking. What a God given gift of time in my life!

(Photos from our weekend)