"My son, attend unto my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes, keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh."
Proverbs 4:20-22

Even though the writings of Proverbs goes back to 950-700 BC it proves the Word of God never expires or becomes out dated. Solomon is writing to his son not as a perfect man or father, but a man who realizes he has a perfect God. He is not giving himself as an example , but the God he loves and realizes has all wisdom and understanding of life. These verses summarize beautifully the value of God’s Word in all our lives no matter what season of life you are in.

The Father heart of God is speaking to all of His sons and daughters through the book of Proverbs. We must attend to the Words of God and incline, or bow down our spiritual ears to honestly hear what the Word of God is saying. We must keep His instructions before our eyes continually.

I remember as a young mother with four children six and under taping scriptures over the bathroom mirror where I brushed my teeth every morning. I taped them in my kitchen window over my sink, and in the nursery near my rocking chair where I nursed the babies. I kept my Bible open on the dining room table at all times, so I could grab verses while feeding the children. If I got a chance to run, I often carried a verse written on an index card for memorization and meditation. ( Before being strapped with cell phones) These are ways that enabled me to keep His Word in the midst of not only my heart, but my children’s hearts also. I was highly motivated, because I knew if I obeyed His words of instruction my family would receive the life God promises and even health to all our flesh, and we did.

We only have our children for a short season of life. Training them in the instruction of love and discipline from scripture is an education that has never needed to be improved upon. I knew His truth would always be. He is God. His ways are perfect, and He has all truth. No parent has something better to offer their children. By God’s grace I knew that as a mother. My greatest goal was to take those tiny, precious hands out of mine, and get them into their Heavenly Father’s hands as soon as possible.

We all know as they become adults it becomes their choice whether to leave it there and to do the same for their children. Each generation must choose for themselves. But speaking as a mother there is no greater satisfaction in my life than knowing as far as it depended on me I gave my children Christ, His Words, and His Ways, because it far exceeded anything I had to offer apart from Him.

Let us take a moment to honestly ask ourselves with what are we equipping our children and grandchildren to live life? What are we living out before them? What truly dictates our most precious commodity — our time? To live life with fewer regrets for all, may I exhort you to heed the writings of Proverbs.
In His love.

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness



The four season of life are captured in this photo of generations of my family from our youngest two months old, to my mother at 93 years of age. No matter the season of your life, the value of God’s Word remains the same.