Psalm 34:18
"The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Many times in life when we are truly broken, people we thought would be there for us walk away. The opposite is true of our Savior. When others walk out, He walks in closer than ever because we allow it. He is drawn to the brokenhearted and crushed in spirit.

Religious people often disqualify us in the church if we come from brokenness such as divorce or addiction. Religion is so opposite of Christ. In our brokenness we flee into the arms of Christ. His perfect love frees us from fear and our hearts are able to give what they had never received before. Our hearts are filled with mercy and compassion, grace and forgiveness. So in reality our brokenness is what qualifies us to be used by our Savior.

Do you feel disqualified or unqualified in a broken place this morning? Be encouraged. He uses the weak things of this world to confound the wise.(1 Corinthians 1:27) The Bible is full of imperfect people like you and me that He has shown Himself strong in. Make the decision to allow Him to do the same for you today!
In His love.

Teresa Roberts

Masterpiece Fitness


Beautiful time of year at the "Eagle’s Nest" where people come to see and feel His Presence which brings about refreshment and healing for the weary.